How far along: 36 weeks, 1 day.
Maternity Clothes: My options are becoming more and more limited...
Stretch Marks: Still none.
Sleep: I've been up since 5:15. Not something I'm happy about.
Best Moment this Week: Wonderful Christmas with family and friends, getting the stuff up in the nursery.
Movement: Kick, kick, kick.
Food Cravings: Jello? Weird?
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: If you wish to not know the state of my cervix, stop reading now! I had my first exam yesterday- Laurel is head down, I'm almost 2 cm dilated, 75% effaced.
Belly Button: It will be weird to have an innie in a couple weeks.
What I Miss: Sleeping in. Can't do it lately.
What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: New Year's Eve, Finishing my to-do list.
Weekly Wisdom: If you've been trying to fall back asleep for an hour and nothing is happening, just get up.