I am:
- 11 weeks and 6 days pregnant.
- worried about if I will find a teaching job next year.
- sad that I can't tell more people that I am pregnant (due to lack of aforementioned job).
- trying to get motivated to get more done in my small little condo.
- excited for when I'll get to feel the baby kick.
- more excited for when we'll get to find out the baby's gender (September 10th!)
- looking forward to my five year anniversary with Mr. Smith on Friday.
- trying to trust that there is a reason for everything and that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
This whole, first year teaching, not having a contract, not knowing if I will get a job next year; combined with being pregnant, has been one of the most emotionally draining experiences of my life. I know there are much worse experiences to go through, but I feel like I am going crazy sometimes. Disappointment, hope, tears.... These are all things that I am dealing with daily. Who knows what my hormones are doing to me, as well!
I do have excitement to look forward to in the coming year, the arrival of our first child! Sam and I have been married for 5 years, and even with all of the uncertainty with my job, the economy, etc.- we are so excited to become parents. At the moment it still seems a little unreal.
We found out on Friday, May 22nd that we were pregnant. We told our parents and some close friends right away, but then waited to tell others. We've now told my extended family and some more friends, but I am still waiting to tell other people I know, because I don't want word to get around that I am pregnant, and have that influence any principal's decision about whether or not to hire me. (That would be illegal, you know!)
In the nearly two months since we found out, I have been blessed to have no severe fatigue, no morning sickness, just some light cramping early on and some digestive issues. I know, I know, I am extremely lucky!
Sam and I have grown even closer during this year. We've had some difficult times and some times of extreme joy, but we've really grown as a couple and continue to make our relationship a priority.
What I am looking forward to:
my new nephew growing bigger, having him (Logan) sit on my belly when I am much more pregnant, being able to share our good news with more people, knowing what I will be doing in September, setting up the baby's room, getting a new couch and bookcase, learning as much as I can from friends and family with babies, seeing my baby for the first time.