How far along: 37 weeks, 1 day.
Maternity Clothes: OMG I hate wearing teaching appropriate clothing. Nothing worse than wearing a pair of uncomfortable maternity pants all day.
Stretch Marks: Barely noticeable one on my lower belly, I'm hoping it will still be barely noticeable after birth..
Sleep: Slightly better than last week.
Best Moment this Week: Having some time to myself to get a pedicure. And, I pretty much completed everything on my to do list. Bags for the hospital are PACKED. All in less than a couple hours. That's what happens when you're worried you might be in labor. ;)
Movement: kick, roll, kick, roll.
Food Cravings: LEMONADE! Well 1/2 club soda, 1/2 lemonade.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: If you wish to not know the state of my cervix or about discharge of any sort, stop reading now! 2nd exam- Laurel is still head down, I'm still almost 2 cm dilated, now 80% effaced.
I've been having non-progressing contractions for two days now, and lost my mucus plug. Don't google that. Basically it means that my body is getting ready for birth, and if there are bets placed on when I deliver, I wouldn't put much money on overdue.
Belly Button: The first graders whose class I was in this week were curious as to what that thing in the middle of my tummy sticking out was.
What I Miss: Feeling comfortable.
What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: Seeing family this weekend, a one-day baby class, relaxing, spending time with Kindergartners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders.
Weekly Wisdom: From one of the first graders this week: "You know that frog on that last page, the blue one? you look kind of fat like him." (In case you missed that gem on facebook).

I love that Laurel was born the day after you wrote this.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Maddie and Sam!!!
Ok, if I had seen this photo that night, I'd have thought you looked like you were about to have a baby - your belly is totally different than at 35 weeks. Just look at the different position of your belly button! Congrats Maddie.