You are 7 weeks old today, and attempting to nap. A lot has changed since you were first born! You don't look like this anymore:
Now you look like this!
You also like to sleep from about 11pm until 4am now, which I like, a lot. This is what you look like when you sleep:
I made your room all pretty for you. It looks like this:

Then, you pooped all over it. I won't include a picture. Trust me though, it was all over the changing table, bookcase, stuffed animals, books, etc. Not fun at 1:30 in the morning.
After you were born, your dad stayed home from work for 4 weeks! We had a lot of fun together, the three of us. Here's a picture of the two of you, hanging out. Look you're matching!
Then, he had to go back to work. But the two of us, we've been hanging in there without him. We've been having conversations, taking baths, going for walks... You know, girl stuff!
Your very first smile was for.... Gramma! Not fair at all! I was jealous, because I'm the person who hangs out with you all day long. It's okay though, because I knew it made your Gramma very happy. You were almost 6 weeks old. Here's a picture of you with Gramma and Grampa right after you were born:
Your next smile was for your daddy, then me. You always smile when I dry you off from the bath. Especially when I'm drying off your hair. Your smile says: "Mom, you're silly!"
Here's a picture of your beautiful smile:
In a few weeks, I'm going to go back to working. Do you remember what your mom does for her job? I'm a teacher, and I love it! All of the students that I've had are so excited to meet you. They can hardly contain themselves! When I was pregnant with you, they would ask me, "Mrs. Smith, when are you going to have your baby? What's her name going to be?" I'm going to teach a class of Kindergarten students starting in April, all the way until June. Their teacher is having a baby, too! That's why she needs a substitute teacher, like me, to teach in her classroom.
I'm going to miss you a ton when I'm gone, but you are going to have a great time, do you know why? First of all, after I teach this Spring, I'll have the Summer off to spend with you. Secondly, you are going to spend your days with Becky, Valerie, Aunt Kara, Logan, and Gramma! What more could you want?! Here's a picture of you and Valerie together. This was from the first time Becky and Valerie took care of you, when I went to get some stuff ready for my Kindergarten job. Look how much fun you're having!

There's something important I need to tell you... shhhh... are you listening? I love you! When I first held you, right after you were born, I was overjoyed to be your mommy. Sometimes, you've made me cry, like when you haven't slept for hours in the middle of the night and I just wanted to sleep. But you know what, I would just look at you, smile, and say, "Laurel, Mommy wants to sleep now, can we do that?" Sometimes you would listen... Often you would not, but it was alright.
My favorite thing to do with you is bath time. Did you know, that when I was pregnant with you, I took a bath nearly every night? I would take a nice, warm bath, read a book, drink tea or hot cider, and relax in the water. The day after we brought you home from the hospital, your dad and I decided to give you a bath. We put you in the water and your little arms and legs just got completely still and relaxed. You opened your eyes a little bit and just stared up. You looked so peaceful. At 7 weeks old, your reaction is about the same! You still relax your arms and legs and seem so peaceful. Now, you open your eyes really big and just hang out. Then I drain the tub, grab your towel, and wrap you up to dry you off. I hold you close to me and think about how much I love you, and how much I'll always love you.
This letter brought tears to my eyes, hon. I love you, your Mom.
ReplyDeleteI cried too... LOVE THIS LETTER TO LAUREL! Val read it with me, but had a different reaction. She laughed, but she laughs at just about everything so I suppose that's no surprise. Laurel, Valerie and I can't wait to babysit you more - even if you do poo on me!! :)
ReplyDeleteI demand more updates....... -DH