27 Weeks:
29 Weeks (Didn't remember to take a picture for 28 weeks):
How far along: 28 weeks, 6 days.
Maternity Clothes: I got some new maternity cords at JC Penney on sale!
Stretch Marks: So far, so good!
Sleep: I've been sleeping pretty well- trying to enjoy it while I can.
Best Moment this Week: Getting my hair cut!
Movement: Honestly, this is my favorite part of pregnancy: feeling her move around. I think it is just the coolest thing in the world!
Food Cravings: Loving ice cream right now.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button: Still poking out slightly.
What I Miss: Raw cookie dough.
What I'm Looking Forward to this Week: Nannying this weekend- I haven't seen the girls in a while, they are going to be so excited when they see how big I am!
Weekly Wisdom: Things always get better. :)